Vic Moss, VP/COO of the Drone Service Providers Alliance
Vic Moss, VP/COO of the Drone Service Providers Alliance, is most excited about XPONENTIAL 2023 being held near his home in Denver, Colorado. He sees the event as an opportunity to showcase his state to the drone industry and is looking forward to the workshops, sessions, and networking opportunities that will be available.
Full Transcript
- What are you most excited about for XPONENTIAL 2023?
- I think one of the things that excites me the most about this year's AUVSI XPONENTIAL is the fact that it's pretty much in my backyard. I live in Denver, Colorado and it's just a few miles from my house. And we get to show off our beautiful state to the drone industry, so excited about that. But also the, the workshops that are gonna be there, the sessions are gonna be there. And it's just the networking itself is just indispensable when it comes to trying to get your word across or learn things and learn from other people in the industry. So, I think that's really what excites me the most.
Video and transcript produced with AnswerStage.
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